International Earth Day 2022

 International Earth Day, also known as Earth Day, is observed on 22 April annually. People across the globe celebrate the occasion and come together to raise awareness about environmental protection and acknowledge the global climate crisis which is getting worse day by day. It was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. The first Earth Day was focused on the United States. In 1990, Denis Hayes, the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international and organized events in 141 nations. The seeds that grew into the first Earth Day were planted by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. An ardent conservationist and former two-term governor of Wisconsin, Nelson had long sought ways to increase the potency of the environment as a political issue.

Today, Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes. Now, the fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more and more apparent every day.  The social and cultural environments we saw in 1970 are rising up again today — a fresh and frustrated generation of young people are refusing to settle for platitudes, instead taking to the streets by the millions to demand a new way forward. Digital and social media are bringing these conversations, protests, strikes and mobilizations to a global audience, uniting a concerned citizenry as never before and catalyzing generations to join together to take on the greatest challenge that humankind has faced. 

1. 1970- The first Earth Day mobilizes 20 million Americans to call for increased protections for our planet

2. 1990- Earth Day goes global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries

3. 2000- Earth Day leverages the power of digital media to build millions of local conversations across more than 180 countries

4. 2010- Earth Day Network launches A Billion Acts of Green® and The Canopy Project. Earth Day 2010 engages 75,000 global partners in 192 countries

5. 2020- Earth Day 2020 marked 50 years with global activations that aim to mobilize a billion people worldwide for transformative action for our planet

As we all know Earth is our parent planet and it gives us all the resources for free. So our responsibility is to keep our parent planet safe as all resources are limited in quantity. The first Canadian Earth Day (French: Jour de la Terre) was held on Thursday, September 11, 1980, and was organized by Paul D. Tinari, then a graduate student in Engineering Physics/Solar Engineering at Queen's University. Flora MacDonald, then MP for Kingston and the Islands and former Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs, officially opened Earth Day Week on September 6, 1980, with a ceremonial tree planting and encouraged MPs and MPPs across the country to declare a cross-Canada annual Earth Day. The principal activities taking place on the first Earth Day included educational lectures given by experts in various environmental fields, garbage and litter pick-up by students along city roads and highways, and tree plantings to replace the trees killed by Dutch elm disease. 

This year's Earth day theme is 'Invest In Our Planet.' Earth Day 2022 is focused on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone - governments, citizens, and businesses. So we should keep safe and clean our parent planet. And let's celebrate the World Earth Day 2022

Did you know- In India, the Earth is venerable as Mother Earth. They consider Earth their Mother:-)


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