Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889. He was the son of Motilal Nehru and Swarup Rani. His father was a prominent lawyer. Nehru was graduated from Trinity college, Cambridge. He was an Indian independence activist and the first prime minister of India after independence. He served India as prime minister from 1947 till his death in 1964. He was also known as Pandit Nehru while Indian children knew him better as Chacha Nehru. 

After his return to India from Cambridge, he enrolled at the Allahabad (Current Prayagaraj) high court and took and interest in national politics. He joined National congress in 1920s. Nehru and Congress dominated Indian politics during 1930s as the country moved towards independence. In 1942 Quit India movement which rushed British effectively. Afterwards one of his colleagues in politics Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had come to dominate Muslim politics in India. The negotiations between congress and Muslim League for power sharing failed and gave way to the independence and the partition of India in 1947. Afterwards Nehru was elected as India's first prime minister. He ruled India untill his death on 27 May 1964. He played a major role in independence. He liked children the most and even his birthday is celebrated as Children's Day on 14th November. On 27th May, 1964 he died suffering a serious stroke. On this death anniversary we are remembering him.


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