Every year 24th May is observed as ‘National Brothers Day’ since 2005. Brother is not a single word but it defines a feeling. When it’s brother’s day so we can call our brothers and tell them how much we love them and how weird they are as we always do-:) The word ‘Brother’ stems from German word ‘Brothar’ which itself comes from European root ‘Bhrater’ and also some people claim it to be taken from ancient Hindi word ‘Bhrata’ which means Brother. But according to me brothers are the once who bother us. When you are younger than your brother then you can enjoy annoying them and when you’re Elder brother then you can order them using your powers. Brotherhood is very strong among men whether it is blood relation or not, men take their ‘bro code’ very seriously. There isn’t much that important that can ever come between a strong brotherhood bond. They’re our closest friend sometimes the most annoying person we know but we love them anyway. If you’re blessed with a brother then this is the...
World Day of Social Justice - An Article by The Social Organ World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 every year to promote the idea of social justice and reduce inequality in all aspects of society. The day highlights the need to promote social justice by addressing issues such as poverty, unemployment, discrimination, exclusion, and legal aid . The day is celebrated worldwide with various events, including rallies, seminars, and discussions to raise awareness and inspire action toward achieving social justice. The World Day of Social Justice (alternatively referred to as Social Justice Equality Day) is an international day that recognizes the critical role of fostering social justice by tackling poverty, marginalization, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, and social protection. Numerous organizations, including the United N...
International Mother Language Day - An article by The Social Organ International Mother Language Day is an annual observance that celebrates the diversity of languages worldwide and promotes linguistic and cultural diversity. The day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1999 to honor the students who were killed in Bangladesh in 1952 when they protested against the government's decision to make Urdu the official language of East Pakistan. Since then, International Mother Language Day has become an important event that promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and highlights the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages. The Importance of Mother Language Mother language is the first language that a child learns from his/her parents or caregivers. It is the language that a child grows up with and is most comfortable speaking. Mother lan...
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