Why Free Legal Aid is important ?

 Every year 9th November is observed as world legal services day to offer help and support to the weaker and poor group of people providing free legal aid and advise to people who cannot afford such services is one of the main objective of legal services authorities in the country. Lok Adalat organises campaigns every year by the legal service authorities on national legal services day. The day also been regarded for students and children of the early age should be aware about constitution and laws relating to them.

Historic day for lawyers, Police, law students law professional. If you are one of them then you must know about legal services day.

Legal services act 1987 came into enforcement on November 9th, 1987. There are so many laws in India who are very famous and making India proud by their services and contribution towards nation. Pay them bucks of amount and the serve the client in the best way they can. That's the simple rule . But on the other hand there are two sides of every coin. There are a community which economically weaker section and are unable to feed their families, don't have money to buy clothes, have roof on their heads. How will they able to pay lawyer's fee. And if there won't pay lawyers fee then won't they get justice? Since very long India has been facing poverty issues. And when it comes to justice of this community there are always questions in this. Any esteemed Lawyer has to think twice before taking the cases because of finance issues. And that's how inequality came into Trend and it still exists. How the legal services authorities act 1987 came into effect. But it came into enforcement and passed by government in 1995. According to this law, people who are under privileged citizens can also get better legal services and this is state's responsibility to work into the betterment of the society in terms of legal services.

There is a term called "Free Legal Aid" and the state government is bound to provide free legal services to each and every section of the society. Article 39A of the constitution of India says "Equal justice and free legal aid. The state Shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity and shall, ine particular provide free legal aid, bye suitable lagislation or schemes or in any other way to secure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by the reason of economic or their disabilities" which means to say that the state is bound to provide free legal aid to each and every citizen of the society and the same cannot be ignored because of their financial conditions. The main motive of this act is to aware deprived and poor people towards legal rights so that whenever there rights are compromised they can stand up stronger. All the legal practitioners and law professionals should know their constitutional duty that it is legitimate right for all the legal beneficiaries.

It is also been stated that the students and children of the early age would be aware about the constitutional rights and laws relating to them. There is also need to be aware about the child labour and old parents by opening welfare centres. In there are still legal rights are being compromised.
Every day thousands of woman get raped in India and many of them don't raise voice because of poor law execution and the other reason is that people who rape them are stronger than them in terms of economy so that their right are compromised or justice delays continuosly. They must know about their legal rights and free legal aid. In small towns of India they don't raise a voice because of the society.

We have to change this mentality and aware them about free legal aid.

At the end we The Social Organ team request you all to spread awareness in people towards legal rights and especially to the people who are uneducated or under privileged and belong to weaker sections. So that no one doesn't have to say



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